The Iron Curtain spell and a call for help

Remember the Iron Curtain spell I mentioned in A Dragon for Sale? It looks like it has been cast after all. I’ll probably be away from social media for a while: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are currently blocked in Russia. Tumblr still works, so I might show up there from time to time. It feels weird to blog about books and movies and fanfics right now, but on the other hand, fanfiction and fanart have always been a kind of anti-stress therapy for me, so maybe they can help someone else, too.

As for more material help… I’ve already asked my fellow author Katherine Wyvern to post about it in our FB group some time ago, but I thought I’d post about it here as well. Two fantasy authors I respect very much—Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky who write under the pen name Henry Lion Oldie—lived in Kharkiv. Now they are refugees. I don’t know any other way to help them directly except for buying their books. Most of them aren’t translated into English, but one of their series is—and it’s pretty decent fantasy. If you can buy it and maybe recommend it elsewhere, this might give them very much needed support.

The Songs of Peter Sliadek on Amazon

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